Month: July 2019


(If satan aka lucifer had not deceived the whole world, Revelation 12:9 would not have been written in the Holy Bible. Humble yourself and learn how you have been deceived.)

“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” —Revelation 12:9

He will be a master of deception and will become arrogant; he will destroy many without warning. He will even take on the Prince of princes in battle, but he will be broken, though not by human power. —Daniel 8:25

“The seed that fell on the footpath represents those who hear the message about the Kingdom and don’t understand it. Then the evil one comes and snatches away the seed that was planted in their hearts.” —Mathew 13:19

“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” —2 Timothy 3:13

“And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.” —Revelation 20:3

“There is little enmity against Satan and his works, because there is so great ignorance concerning his power and malice, and the vast extent of his warfare against Christ and His Church. Multitudes are deluded here.

They do not know that their enemy is a mighty general who controls the minds of evil angels, and that with well-matured plans and skilful movements he is warring against God to prevent the salvation of souls.

Among professed Christians, and even among [so-called] ministers of the gospel, there is heard scarcely a reference to Satan, except perhaps an incidental mention in the pulpit. They overlook the evidences of his continual activity and success; they neglect the many warnings of his subtlety; they seem to ignore his very existence.”

Yes, a lot of people don’t know this… And they do not know it because I did not want them to know. Up until now, my work has been done in complete secrecy. I work best when people are not aware of my existence, my intentions and my modus operandi. Now, however, I decided to change that. From now on, you will know about me.

Do you think that what you are doing and what you have been doing is the result of your own thinking and intentions? No. I control you. I misled you in almost every aspect of your life. You are filled with wrong prejudices. You have misplaced priorities in life. I’ve imposed false life attitudes and beliefs on you. You are in complete darkness. My victory is even greater knowing that I’ve managed to do it all, leaving you in belief that you are so smart and wise, that you’re free to do whatever you want, that you have the opportunity to enjoy life, and that everything you’ve accomplished is the result of your creativity.

Keeping you in ignorance is no longer interesting to me. I’ve realized that I managed to humiliate mankind so much that even when you find out almost everything about me, and once you’ve realized that everything you do is actually a result of what I have imposed on you, you still won’t have the strength to change anything.

I will go so far and claim that you’ll be able to realize, if you read carefully, how to become free, but your ego will be my ally once again, and will continue to hold you under my control.

Are you ready? Are you ready to meet the being that is the cause of everything evil on the planet Earth? Are you ready to understand that even if you think that you don’t have anything to do with me, you actually belong and serve me? Are you ready to realize that I have decided to rule your life? No? Nobody is ready for that. However, the facts cannot be changed.

You think that you’re protected from me because you are religious? Because you are a Christian? A good one, perhaps? You think that I can’t manipulate you because you aren’t religious? Because you do not believe in the Creator? Because you don’t believe that I exist?
Start reading and find out how I tricked you in so many ways. Find out where and when you willingly crossed to my side. I will show you how I made your life miserable and how I managed to make you believe that you are happy. You’ll realize that problems you now have are not result of random coincidences, but in fact are repercussions of my carefully executed plan.

Do you now understand what I told you at the beginning? I manipulate you. You then ask how you can know the difference between thoughts that are coming from me, and your own. In order to answer that, you’d have to know what the Creator says. And I’ll find a million reasons that will prevent you from doing that. All of them will be in the form of small excuses and will feed your vanity, your ego.

Sometimes the excuses will be noble, because you will feel that you first have to do something “more important”, such as to allegedly take care of your family or “sacrifice” yourself for others. You are allowed to do anything, except to learn about the Creator. And that is why you cannot win. You could if you wanted to. Creator would give you His power to do so. But you do not want that, am I right? You want to be yourself. You don’t wish to change anything. Sounds familiar? Are these your thoughts? Or mine?

New Age

I couldn’t stop the spreading of the truth. Therefore, I put special effort to slow it down as much as possible. I had to preoccupy people with other things so that they couldn’t spend enough time learning about the Creator’s plans. I founded different mutually intolerant ideologies such as Nazism and Communism. When these ideologies developed sufficiently, I used the above mentioned progress of human knowledge to encourage them to make their ideology superior to others. Knowledge was used to produce all kinds of new weapons. I was proud of my success. And while in past I had to do a lot of work to kill a larger number of people, I now inspired man to develop much effective ways of destroying himself. New firearms, chemical and biological weapons. I caused wars for various reasons. It didn’t even matter why. It was only important that people are getting killed.

Monument of lucifer in Retiro Park Madrid Spain | Fountain of the Fallen Angel

I easily used human characteristics such as pride, arrogance and selfishness to accomplish my goals. Ideological turmoil and war were ideal conditions to stop the spreading of the truth.

But I didn’t stop at that. My area of activity has no boundaries. The church through which I worked in the Middle Age almost completely lost its power and authority. I had to restore it. I waited for hundred and fifty years, so that the memory of what it has done fades. Soon, I restored its power, and the nations under my control easily accepted this. My church once again became an authority. And the greatest one, that is. All I had to do is to change its appearance, but leave its purpose exactly the same – separate the people from the Creator with lie combined with a bit of truth.

Only those who carefully read the Bible can spot the boundary between the saving truth and fatal misconception. Fortunately, there are very few of this kind. Even among the Creator’s chosen nation.

With the victory of communism in many countries, I’ve managed to satisfy the inner need for universal equality, the need for apparent justice, while simultaneously removing the Creator from their lives. The lifestyle I then imposed observed faithfulness to the Creator as almost an anti-state act. At the same time, I developed completely different trend in capitalist countries. The simplest and most useful was certainly materialism. That is something I’ve managed to keep up to this date.

One of my best prejudices is the one that claims that the majority is always right and that something that has long been accepted is always correct. Due to that prejudice, man is capable of observing the real truth, and yet staying in his delusion. And the majority was never right on this planet… nor will it ever be…

Every corner of this planet has a way that I can use to ruin man. Keeping people away from the truth about the Creator, fatal misconceptions in the truth itself, theory of evolution, various political ideologies, wars, mass destruction, false religion, fanaticism, atheism… Every man is a victim of at least one of them. Almost everyone.

The Creator explicitly forbade that, the priests became spiritual fathers, to whom people bow down to and consider as a mediator between the Creator and the people, instead of the Redeemer.

I [lucifer] need something else, something… supernatural. I’ve led many people into a state of extreme poverty, due to the lifestyle I impose on them, or the diseases that I caused. Whenever necessary, I’ll set him free from my chains. Why? I’ll make sure it looks like a Creator’s miracle, while the one who prayed for him and put his hand onto him doesn’t even belong to the Creator. You still don’t get it? The healed man and those who witnessed the miracle will all think that they have to join the community to which the “healer” belongs, for that is the true Creator’s Church.

However, I saw that there was a considerable number of those who were deeply disillusioned with Christianity, because of the state I brought it into.

Since the Creator placed need to connect to Him in each man, it was important for me to fill this void or they might get in touch with the complete Creator’s truth. I had to offer them something new. Mystical, different, oriental…

For a man, the path to the Creator is not simple. The reason for this is me, of course. The first obstacle on this road is his family and close friends, who I kept shut to the Creator’s truths through life habits, trends and social norms. A man that wants to become closer to Creator will encounter misunderstanding and ridicule, intolerance and rejection. He will be classified as weird and fanatical. Even crazy.

Due to obedience to the Creator, he’ll have to give up some deeply rooted habits, which the ones close to him won’t like; moreover, they’ll hate it, because I make sure they get angry when they see him changing.

Many fall on this obstacle. They can’t or perhaps don’t want to deal with this sort of thing. They choose the path of least resistance. The path which I chose.

I try everything I can to keep all those who encounter the truth under my control and away from the Creator. Prejudice, human pride and selfishness are very good weapons that I use to make people stay by my side.

To keep you by my side, I’ll even allow you to be religious, if you insist. You’ll join one of the dozens of Christian communities I personally established. I’ll even give you peace in that area. However, not a complete one, but one that is enough to keep you just where I want you to be. I’ll influence your views on spirituality to make them completely distorted. I will bring you into a state where spirituality will be connected only with feelings and intuition, while the sense, which is most important – will be set aside. And I’ll be the one who’ll manipulate your feelings in various ways so that your harmonious attitude toward spirituality remains in perpetual darkness.

I’ll even make you religious and give you material goods in order to ruin you. However, if things don’t go the way I planned, I’ll take away something from you. I’ll bring you into serious problems if it’ll help me to keep you seduced, while you blame everything on the Creator.

It’s not that easy to change. I’ll help you to stay just the way you are, as much as possible. You know everything best. You’re better than others. You’re always right. You can’t change your mind. That would be humiliating. You’re too proud for that. You see, you’ll stay exactly as you were. I’ll exult one day, when you meet the Creator face to face, because you’ve read this, but still didn’t change.

By now you have realized that I put great effort to destroy you. I simply hate you. You are the only possible way to hurt the Creator who wants to destroy me forever. You’ve also realized that my goal is to make you pay for your sins instead of me. The moment I separate you from the Creator on spiritual level, the moment you cross the line after which you can no longer go back, I control you completely. The best thing in all of this is that you chose this yourself.

While the Creator principles are designed so that the fallen man can be happy and satisfied even on this planet, my principles are designed to bring me the greatest satisfaction possible – human pain. I feed on it. It is my only source of pleasure. Your wrath gives me pleasure, your unhappiness gives me happiness and your pain is the source of my enjoyment. Your fear and horror are my food. And all of this is doubled because the same time you suffer, I also inflict pain to the Creator.

Over thousands of years, I’ve developed various habits and principles in all areas of life so that the Human Race would suffer as much as possible.

You think that it’s normal you are getting sick, that it’s natural to have a horrible marriage that it’s normal to be selfish and antisocial, that it’s normal there is so much injustice, that there are so many hungry people, that it is normal that persons of same sex are getting married.

It isn’t, according to Creator’s standards, that is. The fact that all this is normal today is only the result of my perfect action. Now, something is considered normal if the majority thinks or does it.

Since you don’t believe in the Creator, let alone me, you’re simply defenseless against me, apart from the Creator’s constant protection. He keeps you alive so that He could use every possible way to reveal Himself to you and save you.

They blame the Creator for the parentless children and for people who can’t have children. Why did He let that happen?

As I said, since they don’t read the Bible, their lack of knowledge about the Creator and myself, as well as their inability to go beyond material things and step into the spiritual world, prevents them from clearly observing reality. And that’s exactly what I want.

After the Flood, People quickly multiplied. And, after the incident with languages during the construction of Tower of Babel, they’ve spread across four corners of the Earth. But, wherever they’d go, the angels who shared my fate and me went with them. We’re still far numerous than men. Every part of the world was under my control. I knew that people have an inner need to connection with Him. I easily used that human trait to my own gain. I made up all kind of names for deities in cultures all around the globe. Though the people that were loyal to me and had spiritual authority among their people, I built religious systems that were, more or less, worshiping me – the most powerful creature. Bal – that’s me. Isis, too. Shiva, Vishnu, Krishna, Zeus, Odin, Mithras, Ra and every other name other than the Creator’s are nothing more than names through which people worshiped ME.

Once I teach man to do something, there is almost no way of going back. Prejudice is a powerful tool and I am an expert on that field. Just be patient and you’ll find that you also got trapped in one of them.

In religions I’ve founded, I invented all kinds of ceremonies. Some were immoral, others were morbid. To my delight, man was ready to do anything. He proved to be an excellent subject. Eventually, I realized that the source of my joy was to harm the man. This was one of the ways to get even with the Creator for what he did to me. And there was nothing He could do about that.

The most advanced civilizations were easiest to manipulate. They were keen to accept morbid rituals: human sacrifices, torture and suffering, death and horror. Nations who were under my control did all of these things. Once taught by me, people didn’t need a lot of encouragement from my side anymore. How could somebody teach any of the nations under my control that there is a God, when I am their deity? I brought my followers to a state of such fanatism that they’d kill anyone who thought differently, even if that person was a member of their family.

satan aka lucifer (The Colonizer Terrorist In Chief)

Source:The Confession Of A Fallen Angel