Month: September 2021


The Dots are Connecting

( These fallen angels and demons aka Aliens/Extra-terrestrials have been interbreeding with humans throughout history. There is no doubt the so-called “alien abduction phenomenon” is linked to alien-human hybridization program aimed at creating undetectable hybrids that are needed in these last days to usher in the now unfolding New World Order and One World Luciferian Government. There exist a race of extra-terrestrial human hybrids living amongst us here on earth who are birthed in hospitals just like any human offspring with birth certificates. They are indistinguishable from humans in appearance, they go to school like humans and grow up to become leaders, rulers, politicians, CEOs, Scientists, Doctors, Virologists, Teachers, Police, Military, Television & Radio anchor/host,.. etc. For some reason the overwhelming majority of real human population is completely oblivious of their existence. undarkblog )

Totally Bizarre Accounts of Secret Alien Hybrid Programs

By Brent Swancer | Published November 13, 2020

In the world of aliens and UFOs there have been some often very bizarre and sometimes downright bonkers ideas and theories thrown about. A lot of this stuff challenges the limits of what we know and indeed stretches believability to the max, and some of these corners of the field are much weirder than others. One idea that is talked about in the fringes is that of alien hybrids, or basically extraterrestrials mixing their own DNA with that of humans for a plethora of proposed reasons that stretches well out of the confines of the scope of this article. The main thing is that there is the belief held by a good number of people that alleged aliens are doing this, and to many even within the field of ufology it might all sound pretty out there, absurd even. Nevertheless, there have been numerous accounts of such things going on in the shadows, and perhaps the wildest of these are those reports from those who claim to have been actually involved in such programs. Hold on to your hats, because we are going for a ride into the weird world of people who claim to be part of alien hybrid programs, or even say they are hybrids themselves.

One of the most bonkers cases having to do with these supposed alien hybrid programs is the tale told by a woman from Apache Junction, Arizona, by the name of Cynthia Crawford. She claims that there was always something different about her since birth, born a fraternal twin, yet oddly missing an amniotic sac when brought into the world, something she says the doctors had no record of ever happening before. She was also found to have unusually porous bones, and throughout her life she had frequent health problems that her sister never experienced. She also had various purported psychic powers, and on top of this she had many frequent nightmares of being abducted by aliens, which she often suspected were fragments of real memories that had been suppressed in her mind and were bubbling up to the surface. It would not be until she was in her 30s that she says her father would apparently come forward with the truth about her bizarre heritage and the likely answer behind her physical issues and nightmares.

alien hybrid

Alien-Human Hybrid

You see, according to her, she is the result of an elaborate, secret experiment to mix alien and human DNA in order to create a hybrid. In fact, she says she has within her the DNA of not one alien race, but two in her genetic makeup. Her father allegedly told her that she had been created in a petri dish and placed within her mother’s womb, and it was for this reason that she was apparently abducted throughout her childhood in order for them to study her progress. She was also purportedly often whisked away by the government as a young child to a top secret facility, where they would also do medical tests on her and poke, prod, and examine her. She says of all of this:

I came from a government experiment. My father told me about it. He had operated with the government in Korea and experimented with alien devices found in their crashed ships. My mom was drugged as part of a program and impregnated with me. For that reason, my DNA is only 34 per cent human and I’ve got very porous bones, which are typical of my alien family. There are many races — Zuma Zeta, Tall White Zeta and Blue Archturian. I love them all. I channel their energies into my sculptures.

Indeed, Crawford became well-known for these mysterious sculptures, as well as for her talks at numerous UFO conferences about her experiences. Rather tragically, Crawford passed away in 2017 from a brain tumor, so any truth her story may hold she took to the grave with her. Speaking of secret alien hybrid experiments, another similar case that has made the rounds is that of Eddie Page, who was born as Tommy Coleman Jr. in Florida. He was adopted at a young age, and went on to have a life full of various strangeness. It began with numerous sightings of a “boomerang shaped” UFO he had in his youth, but things would get more colorful upon joining the U.S. Marines, being shipped off to the Vietnam War in 1972 as a part of what he calls an “special Elite secret service group” on a mission to assassinate the Vietnam Premiere.


According to Page, something went horribly wrong, and he was engaged by the enemy and then blacked out. When he awoke what he thought to be a few minutes later, he was in a rice field wearing a new green uniform and without any of his weapons or equipment. As he stood there wondering what had happened, he says he was approached by military helicopters, captured, and interrogated. It would turn out that the rice field was over 500 miles away from where he had blacked out, and that a full 11 days had passed, time he had no memory of. The military also informed him that he had unusual organs and an anomalous blood type, and Page claims that they had stamped his medical records with “Not of Human Origin.” He would eventually be released and allowed to return to normal civilian life, never being told why he had ended up in that rice field or what had happened during that missing 11 days. Pretty weird stuff, but it gets even weirder.

Years later after being constantly haunted by this past, Page would undergo hypnotic regression to try and recover what had happened during those missing 11 days, and would find that his mission had failed, all of his unit had been killed, and he had been abducted by aliens from the Pleiadian star system, who had swooped in to save him from certain death. Why had they done this, you ask? Why, because he was part of their hybrid program, which was being carried out with the cooperation of the U.S. government. According to Page, he learned that he was one of 32 clones who were part of the experiment, consisting of 21 females and 11 males, of which only 8 had survived into adulthood, making him one of the last. He says that he would be constantly harassed by unidentified agents from then on out, and that he has the medical documentation to prove his story. Is this guy for real? Who knows?


Fallen Angels and Demons aka Grey Alien/Extraterestrials

In 2016 we also have the story of a group of women who claim that they are the mothers of alien hybrids spawned through such programs. Bridget Nielson and Aluna Verse both claim that they were abducted by aliens on numerous occasions and forced to conceive hybrid babies as part of a top-secret program, with Brigette alone claiming to have had 10 such offspring. The women have said that these children live with their alien fathers aboard massive motherships in space, and that they have regular contact with them. They also claim that there are many other women out there who have had such children and aren’t even aware of it, as it all happened in a type of dream state. These two women have both claimed that the fathers are of the reptilian variety of alien, and that their children display reptilian features and big, black eyes. Alright, then. Interestingly, such outlandish cases have been written of by author Jujuolui Kuita, who also wrote the book We Are Among You Already, and just so happens to be a self-proclaimed alien hybrid. Kuita’s story is perhaps even more off-the-wall than Crawford’s, and she told one reporter at a UFO conference:

My planet is Faqui in the Andromeda galaxy. Since birth I’ve known I was from another place. I felt isolated and different, that this wasn’t my home. I am half reptilian and can shape-shift into another species called Fajan. It’s scary when it happens in public. Although other people don’t necessarily notice because it happens at a higher frequency than they can see.

It might be easy for people to laugh and snicker at such reports, easy to judge these as the tales one finds in tabloids at the checkout counter, to be scoffed at and shunned, and indeed perhaps they are nothing but the product of troubled minds and the imagination. Yet such reports skirt about on the periphery of the UFO field and have increasingly attracted a sizeable number of those who would entertain such thoughts. Can it all be laughed off and brushed aside or is there anything we can learn from such accounts, some light that can be shed on the corners of the alien phenomenon as a whole? Are these just tall tales and fodder for ridicule or do they hold something for us to learn or ponder? It is hard to say, but no matter what one may personally think, cases like this do pop up from time to time, and are a peek into the wilder side of supposed alien interactions with humans, whether real or imagined.


Leaked Zoom Video Reveals Hospital Officials Discussing COVID-19 Scare Tactics

By Matt McGregor | Published September 14, 2021


Image: Reuters

A leaked Zoom conference reveals a doctor questioning how to increase the count of COVID-19 patient numbers on the hospital’s dashboard report.

The media outlet National File said it obtained the recording from an “internal source” at the Novant Health System that includes New Hanover Regional Medical Center in Wilmington, North Carolina.

National File posted the video on its Twitter feed on Sept. 10.

National File and other local media outlets that reported on the leak identified the people in the Video as Mary Kathryn Rudyk, a physician at the medical center, who is asking Carolyn Fisher, the hospital’s director of marketing, how to inflate the number of people classified as COVID-19 patients for the purpose of generating fear in the unvaccinated.

“I think we have to be more blunt, we have to be more forceful—we have to say something coming out—if you don’t get vaccinated, you know you are going to die,” Rudyk said in the video. “Let’s just be really blunt to these people.”

The video begins with Fisher explaining how her department is communicating “meaningful numbers”—the percentage of the unvaccinated, vaccinated, and percentage of deaths in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)—to the public.

Rudyk then asked how post-COVID cases can be included in the number of people hospitalized for COVID-19.

“My feeling at this point in time is that maybe we need to be completely a little bit more scary for the public,” Rudyk said. “There are many people still hospitalized that we’re considering post-COVID, but we are not counting in those numbers, so how do we include those post-COVID people in the numbers of patients we have in the hospital?”

Fisher asked if she meant every patient who has been in the hospital “since the beginning of COVID?”

Rudyk answered, “Well, that are still in, and that’s something I can take to someone else, but I think those are important numbers: the patients that are still in the hospital, that are off the COVID floor, but still are occupying the hospital for a variety of reasons.”

Also on the Zoom conference call was Shelbourn Stevens, president of New Hanover Regional Medical Center, who said those patients are classified as “recovered.”

“But I do think, from our standpoint, we would still consider them a COVID patient because they’re still healing,” Stevens said.

Rudyk said she thinks those patients need to be “highlighted as well, because once they’re off isolation, they drop from the COVID numbers,” prompting Stevens to say that they can later talk offline about “how we can run that up to marketing.”

Novant Health Response

In response to questions asking for confirmation on if people in the video were employees of New Hanover Regional Medical Center and what the context of the video was, a spokesperson for Novant Health told The Epoch Times that staff involved in the excerpt of the video are seeing the “highest levels of COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths so far in this Pandemic, despite having safe and effective vaccines widely available.”

“This was a frank discussion among medical and communications professionals on how we can more accurately convey the severity and seriousness of what’s happening inside of our hospitals and throughout our communities,” the spokesperson said. “Specifically, the data we have been sharing does not include patients who remain hospitalized for COVID-19 complications even though they are no longer on COVID-19 isolation, so it does not provide a complete picture of the total impact of COVID-19 on our patients and on our hospitals.”

The hospital continues to be concerned with Misinformation, the spokesperson said, and that it strives “to be transparent and tell the whole story.”


Vaccine Fail Singapore: Cases rise despite 80% vaccine rate


Posted by Zerohedge September 15, 2021

Singapore is a self-admitted Technocratic state. After vaccinating 80% of its population, new cases are soaring. The solution? More people need to be vaccinated. Thus, the blame is placed on the unvaccinated while the nation remains under severe mask mandates, social distancing, etc. ⁃ TN Editor

Singapore has just reached a level of vaccination penetration that many other developed economies would envy: 80% of its adult population has been vaccinated. And yet, it continues to struggle with one of the worst outbreaks yet. On Sunday, the nation of 5.7 million people reported 555 new local COVID-19 cases, the most since August 2020. One day prior, Singapore recorded its 58th COVID death, a partially vaccinated 80-year-old man with a history of diabetes, hypertension and heart problems.

Rather than lowering restrictions, Singapore’s Ministry of Health last week banned social gatherings at workplaces, allegedly because clusters of workers gossiping around the water cooler led to an outbreak. And in their free time, Singaporeans have been asked to attend one social gathering per day, tops.

Despite Singapore being one of the world’s most heavily vaxxed countries, not much about life has changed for the worst of the COVID pandemic. Alex Cook, an infectious diseases modeling expert at the National University of Singapore, acknowledged that life had not improved “by as much as we might have hoped,” despite Singapore being one of the world’s most vaccinated countries.

A curious thing has happened since Singapore hit 80%, Cook reminds us: “The community cases have actually gone up since reaching 80 per cent coverage, in part because we’re allowing more social events for those who are vaccinated and, I dare say, more fatigue at the control measures,” Cook told the ABC.

And the outlook isn’t exactly positive: Gan Kim Yong, co-chair of the multi-ministry task force, said the “worrying” spike in infections would “probably get to 2,000 new cases a day,” describing the next two to four weeks as “crucial.”

It’s a lesson that’s not unique to Singapore; “One main lesson from across South-East Asia is that it is incredibly hard to prevent Delta’s spread and, as Singapore shows, even high vaccination rates will not help that much,” Cook added.

While they’re mostly symptomatic, Singapore is still finding a lot of breakthrough infections among the vaccinated. At this point, it’s only the latest piece of evidence to suggest that even the revised official efficacy rate of the Pfizer jab just isn’t realistic when we look at the case numbers.

Another scientist said the continued spread is merely a sign that 80% vaccinated is still “too low for delta”. Leong Hoe Nam, an infectious diseases expert from Singapore’s Rophi Clinic, said the Delta strain had moved the goalposts, in terms of what level of community vaccination was necessary.

But looking at recent waves of COVID infections in the US, Europe and in Asia, it’s starting to look like that virus simply adapts so quickly, vaccines just aren’t effective enough. Maybe natural immunity is the better rout after all.


Proof The Ascended Masters Are Demons In Disguise


By Steven Bancarz – Published September 19, 2015

Who are ascended masters? If you are familiar with the New Age movement, you may have heard this term used before to describe beings like Buddha, Jesus, and St. Germain. The claim in this article is not that Buddha and Jesus are demons, but that the “Ascended Masters” who have disguised themselves as Jesus and Buddha in esoteric material where this idea first originated have fully disclosed themselves as being fallen angels.

Ascended Masters, or the Great White Brotherhood or Secret Chiefs, are believed to be spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans, but have went through spiritual transformation to the point of reaching ascension.

There are 7 rays of ascension and all of the supposed ascended masters are categorized under these rays according to their spiritual qualities, characteristics, and type of message they taught. They all have surpassed the birth cycle, have more good karma than bad karma, and no longer need to be reborn since they have surpassed 6th level initiation.

Initiations are levels of consciousness and stages of soul development, and the more universal your consciousness becomes the higher you move up the ranks of initiation until you hit the 4th level of initiation where its no longer necessary for you to reincarnate. At the 6th level of initiation you have achieved unity with the “I Am” and thus fall into the category of being an “ascended master”.

People meditate to contact ascended masters, pray to ascended masters, and even use ascended master oracle card decks for spiritual guidance and wisdom. In the New Age community, they have almost become some sort of gods that some people even pray to for protection from darkness and negative spirits in the astral planes.

This is thought of as something being totally harmless and spiritually safe. But as we are about to see, the Ascended Masters have much darker origins.

The Great White Brotherhood gave Aleister Crowley his Satanism

ImageCrowley was a famous occultist and satanist from the 1900s. He referred to himself as “The Beast 666” and once said ““I was not content to just believe in Satan, I wanted to be his chief of staff”.

He used to torture and kill animals, use menstrual blood for spell casting, has openly admitted to making blood sacrifices to demons, and performed sex magik on his mistresses, 5 of which ended up committing suicide. He was also a 33rd degree freemason, a heroin addict, and believed that:

“For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim…For for nearly all purposes relating to magic, human sacrifice is the best.” – Chapter 12 of: Of The Bloody Sacrifice: And Matters Cognate.

After reading about the Great White brotherhood in a book called The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary, Crowley wanted to ascend to the top of the latter. He started an order called “AA” consisting of a series of levels that students would graduate through after performing tasks consisting of black magick and occultic practices involving astral projection, contact with spirits, and witchcraft. At the top of this order as the highest ranking beings sat the Secret Chiefs of the planetary order (the ascended masters).

One of these Secret Chiefs he believed in was named Aiwass. This is the being who gave him his entire satanic philosophy and telepathically communicated to him his satanic book titled The Book of the Law which stated that to “do as thou wilt” is the highest law. This book is a staple in any Satanists and black magicians library.

If members of the Great White Brotherhood are contacting black magick satanists who practiced blood sacrifice to demons and are giving them satanic philosophy, are we really sure these “ascended masters” are of God? Now, let’s get into the nitty gritty.

The Ascended Masters were first popularized in a book published under “Lucifer Publishing Co.” founded by a Satanist.

ImageThe ideas of ascended masters was first really introduced in the Occult in the late 1700s, but was fully developed and popularized as a mature concept around 1920, by C.W. Leadbeater and Alice A. Bailey.

Alice A Baliey is a famous occultist, a pioneer in metaphysics, and prominent member of the Theosophical Society which is a metaphysical school that basically founded the New Age movement. She published her first work the concept of rays, initiations, and The Great White Brotherhood (the ascended masters) in her book “Initiation, solar and human”, which brought the ideas of ascended masters and soul initiation into the mainstream of the occult and the New Age community.

This book was published under the publishing company called “Lucifer publishing Co.” This which was named off of the original magazine of the Theosophical Society titled “Lucifer”. Alice Bailey was a member of the Theosophical society and this society is typically regarded as being what started the entire New Age movement. The Theosophical society was a mystery school that taught esoteric knowledge and ancient mysteries.

The founder of the Theosophical Society was a blatant satanist named Helena Blavatsky who was a 32nd degree freemason. Here are some quotes from Volume II of her book The Secret Doctrine, which was a favourite book of Adolf Hitler by the way:

“In this case it is but natural — even from the dead letter standpoint — to view Satan, the Serpent of Genesis, as the real creator and benefactor, the Father of Spiritual mankind. For it is he who was the “Harbinger of Light,” bright radiant Lucifer, who opened the eyes of the automaton created by Jehovah, as alleged; and he who was the first to whisper: “in the day ye eat thereof ye shall be as Elohim, knowing good and evil” — can only be regarded in the light of a Saviour.” (p. 243)

“Lucifer is divine and terrestrial light, the “Holy Ghost” and “Satan,” at one and the same time.” on (p. 513)

“Satan, the enemy of God, is in reality, the highest divine Spirit” (p. 377)

“God created Satan, the fairest and wisest of all his creatures in this part of His Universe, and made him Prince of the World, and of the Power of the Air…Thus, Satan being perfect in wisdom, and beauty, His vast empire is our earth, if not the whole solar system. . . . Certainly no other angelic power of greater or even equal dignity has been revealed to us” (p. 229).

There are well over 100 references to Satan in The Secret Doctrine, which was the primary work of the founder of the Theosophical Society. And according “Ponder of This” by Alice Bailey, most of the Secret Doctrine was actually channeled to Helena from an ascended Master named Djwal Kuhl. To read more quotes of hers on Satan you can click here.

So the idea of ascended masters first came out of a mystery school started by a satanist and a publishing company named after Lucifer. But it gets worse.

The story of the Ascended Masters perfectly mirrors the story of the fallen angels in the Bible, and they worship Satan


On pages 32-33 of Initiation, Solar and Human (which was channeled to Alice Bailey by Ascended Master Djwal Kuhl) she talks about where these masters are located and how they came here in the first place.

“After the great descent of the spiritual Existences [the Masters] to the earth, the work they planned to do was systematised. Offices were apportioned, and the processes of evolution in all the departments of nature were brought under the conscious wise guidance of this initial Brotherhood.

This Hierarchy of Brothers of Light still exists, and the work goes steadily on. They are all in physical existence, either in dense physical bodies, such as many of the Masters employ, or in etheric bodies, such as the more exalted helpers and the Lord of the World occupy.

Several of the Masters in physical bodies dwell in the Himalayan mountains, in a secluded spot called Shigatse, far from the ways of men, but the greater number are scattered all over the world, dwelling in different places in the various nations, unrecognised and unknown, yet forming each in His own place a focal point for the energy of the Lord of the World.”

The Lord of the World in the Ascended Masters Teachings is Sanat Kumara, the founder of the Great White Brotherhood and the ruler over the whole etheric plane. The only spiritual entity to be referred to in such a way in the Bible is Satan himself, who Paul calls ‘the god of this world’ (2 Cor.4:4), and Jesus refers to Satan as being the ‘ruler of this world’ 3 separate times (Jn.12:31; 14:30; 16:11).

Even the Satanic Bible refers to Satan as the Lord of the Earth (pg 162). The Bible also talks about Satan and his demons ruling from the air:

“In which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.” Ephesians 2:2.

“We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12.

The Bible refers to anything that is above the earth as being “the heavens”, so what Paul is talking about is a kingdom of the air above the physical earth plane that is occupied by Satan and his fallen angels, aka, the etheric plane.

So these so-called “masters” who gave Crowley his Satanic philosophy exist within the etheric planes and serve the “Lord of the World”, and The Bible tells us that demons exist within the heavenly places and serve the God of this World (Satan).

ImageLet’s take a look at the first sentence of the paragraph again.

‘After the great descent of the spiritual Existences [the Masters] to the earth’, implies that the ascended masters descended together and fell to earth all at the same time. In her book “The Externalization of the Hierarchy” on page 118 she says this “when the sons of God who responded to the divine urge to experience, to serve and to sacrifice, separated themselves from the sons of God who responded to no such inspiration”. So this is literally a direct reference to fallen angels.

The Bible calls fallen angels the “sons of God”. In Revalation chapter 12, Jesus is speaking to John and says the following in verses 7-9:

“And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”

The Book of Enoch spells out the fall of angels in the exact same way as well: “The Watchers look down from heaven and desire the daughters of men (6:1-8). They swear an oath to fulfill their desires and then descend, marry women, and defile themselves with women (7:1)”.

Or in the book of Jude in the Bible, where it says in verse 6:

“And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation.”

Is it just a coincidence that the Biblical account of the fallen angels coincides perfectly with the history of the Ascended Masters? If it still seems like a concidence, it won’t after we understand that Theosophy believed Sanat Kumara is literally Satan. Here is a quote from famous Theosophist Dane Rudyar on Sanat Kumara:

“Satan is an anagram for Sanat Kumara, who in the esoteric philosophy of India is the promethean being who gave mankind the fire of self-conscious and independent, individual self-hood” – The Magic of Tone and the Art of Music, pg 69

According to the New Encyclopedia of the Occult on page 418:

“Satan has a possible echo in Theosophical lore, where the Lord of the World, the ruler of the earth, and the head of the Great White Lodge, is Sanat Kumara”.

Here is a quote by Nilakanta Sri Ram in the Theosophical magazine Lucifer from page 2 of an issue published on April of 1961:

“The adversary, or Satan, is no other than Lucifer, the light bearer, the bright Morning Star. He is the Initiator, awakening the divine faculties of intellect on man. He is the king of the Fallen Angels, spirits from higher spheres, who descended among primitive mankind of the Third Race”.

The founder of the entire Theosophical Society Helena Blavatsky openly admits this on page 236 of The Secret Doctrine:

The allegorical and symbolical meaning of the Serpent of Genesis is found explained by the “Sons of Wisdom” (or angels from higher spheres, though all and each pertain to the kingdom of Satan, or Matter) revealing to men the mysteries of Heaven.

So according to the Bible, Lucifer and his angels, were cast out of Heaven to earth and now exist within the “air” and the “heavenly places”. And according the Ascended Masters teachings, the “Ascended Masters” separated from other sons of God and fell to earth in a great descent and now exist in the etheric realms with Satan.

And these teachings were brought to us by a mystery school founded by a satanist and were published under Lucifer publishing company. This is just spiritual satanism and the glorification of fallen angels.

The Book of Enoch spells out the fall of angels in the exact same way as well: “The Watchers look down from heaven and desire the daughters of men (6:1-8). They swear an oath to fulfill their desires and then descend, marry women, and defile themselves with women (7:1)”.

Or in the book of Jude in the Bible, where it says in verse 6:

“And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation.”

Is it just a coincidence that the Biblical account of the fallen angels coincides perfectly with the history of the Ascended Masters? If it still seems like a concidence, it won’t after we understand that Theosophy believed Sanat Kumara is literally Satan. Here is a quote from famous Theosophist Dane Rudyar on Sanat Kumara:

“Satan is an anagram for Sanat Kumara, who in the esoteric philosophy of India is the promethean being who gave mankind the fire of self-conscious and independent, individual self-hood” – The Magic of Tone and the Art of Music, pg 69

According to the New Encyclopedia of the Occult on page 418:

“Satan has a possible echo in Theosophical lore, where the Lord of the World, the ruler of the earth, and the head of the Great White Lodge, is Sanat Kumara”.

Here is a quote by Nilakanta Sri Ram in the Theosophical magazine Lucifer from page 2 of an issue published on April of 1961:

“The adversary, or Satan, is no other than Lucifer, the light bearer, the bright Morning Star. He is the Initiator, awakening the divine faculties of intellect on man. He is the king of the Fallen Angels, spirits from higher spheres, who descended among primitive mankind of the Third Race”.

The founder of the entire Theosophical Society Helena Blavatsky openly admits this on page 236 of The Secret Doctrine:

The allegorical and symbolical meaning of the Serpent of Genesis is found explained by the “Sons of Wisdom” (or angels from higher spheres, though all and each pertain to the kingdom of Satan, or Matter) revealing to men the mysteries of Heaven.

So according to the Bible, Lucifer and his angels, were cast out of Heaven to earth and now exist within the “air” and the “heavenly places”. And according the Ascended Masters teachings, the “Ascended Masters” separated from other sons of God and fell to earth in a great descent and now exist in the etheric realms with Satan.

And these teachings were brought to us by a mystery school founded by a satanist and were published under Lucifer publishing company. This is just spiritual satanism and the glorification of fallen angels.

If the ascended masters really are fallen angels, we should expect them to reject Jesus. And that’s exactly what we see.

The Ascended Masters teachings about Jesus are false and ridiculous


(The false) jesus is lumped in there with all the other ascended masters, but he is called “The Christ” or “Master Jesus” instead of Jesus Christ. Or sometimes they just do away with “Jesus” and “Christ” and just call him Sananda. ‘The Christ’ is a member of the 6th cosmic ray, and is referred to as one of the top ascended masters.
This model teaches that Jesus is/was not the Son of God and is actually underdeveloped and unevolved in comparison to beings who are 7th, 8th, and 9th level initiates. This completely contradicts everything Jesus ever said about himself.

According to Initiation, Solar and Human, the Master Jesus was previously incarnated as Joshua, the Hebrew military leader in the 13th century BC, and Joshua the High Priest in the sixth century BC. Jesus was also incarnated as Joseph of the coat of many colors, King David (who lived c. 1037 BC until around 970 BC), and Elisha.

Jesus then reincarnated again as Jesus of Nazareth, and again as Greek philosopher Apollonios of Tyana right after his physical death around the mid-first century. After he died as Apollonios, he became a 5th level initiate. He then incarnated again as Hindu philosopher Ramanuja.

According to Elizabeth Clare Prophet, the false Prophet of the Church Universal and Triumphant, the largest Ascended Master Teachings religion, the Master Jesus incarnated twice as the Emperor of Atlantis, once in 33,050 BC and again in 15,000 BC.

According to her, “He did this in order to aid the white magicians in the war of the white magicians and the black magicians that was going on in Atlantis at that time.” By the way, Atlantis never existed and I will prove that it’s all part of the Satanic deception in another article/video.

And according to famous esotericist and ascended master teacher Benjamin Creme, the Master Jesus and Sanat Kumara visited the Americas in the late 7th century and early 8th century. This visit gave rise to the Mayan legend of Quetzacoatl.

So apparently, Master Jesus and Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World (aka Satan), appeared to the Mayans in the form of a winged serpent who looked like a dragon and wanted human blood sacrificed to him. Are we really naive enough to think this is not demonic?

This ridiculous doctrine teaches that Jesus Christ lived a total of at least 10 separate times on earth. As the Ascended Masters model teaches, he is just “the Christ” who is a 6th ray cosmic master who has lived 10 lives trying to help people ascend. Satan’s mission of turning people away from the real Jesus (his only threat) is complete with the ascended masters teachings.

The Teachings of Fallen Angels


Here is a brief look at some of the evil themes pervasive in Alice Bailey’s works, which were all channeled to her by an Ascended Master of the Great White Brotherhood. Djwal Khul is the “master” who transmitted 24 books to Alice Bailey, all of which were published under “Lucis Trust” which was formerly called Lucifer Publishing company. Let’s see what these fallen angels have to say:


“The emphasis in the future will shift from the urge to produce large families to that of producing quality and intelligence in the offspring. This will include that science of which eugenics is the distorted and exoteric indication.” – Education in the New Age, p. 133-134


Bailey said that the “new race” will be distinguished by “a state of consciousness which is the Aryan or mental consciousness or state of thinking … This state of consciousness will find its expression in people as far apart racially as the Japanese and the American or the Negro and the Russian.” The Rays and the Initiation, p. 593-594

“The new race is forming in every land, but primarily in those lands where the fifth or Caucasian races are to be found.” Education in the New Age, p. 118

“Very low grade human bodies will disappear, causing a general shift in the racial types toward a higher standard.” The Destiny of the Nations, p. 125


“Symbolically, the Jews represent (from the point of view of the Hierarchy) that from which all Masters of the Wisdom and Lords of Compassion emerge: materialism, cruelty, and a spiritual conservatism, so that today they live in Old Testament times and are under the domination of the separative, selfish, lower concrete mind.” The Rays and the Initiations, p. 705-706

“I have sought – with love and understanding – to point out the faults of the world religions, with their obsolete theologies and their lack of love, and to indicate the evils of Judaism. The present world faiths must return to their early simplicity, and orthodox Judaism, with its deep seated hate, must slowly disappear” The Externalization of the Hierarchy, p. 543

“The solution will come, as I said, when the races regard the Jewish problem as a humanitarian problem but also when the Jew does his share of understanding, love, and right action.” The Externalization of the Hierarchy, p. 78


“The Masonic Movement when it can be divorced from politics and social ends and from its present paralysing condition of inertia, will meet the need of those who can, and should, wield power. It is the custodian of the law; it is the home of the Mysteries and the seat of initiation. It holds in its symbolism the ritual of Deity, and the way of salvation is pictorially preserved in its work. The methods of Deity are demonstrated in its Temples, and under the All-Seeing Eye the work can go forward.” The Externalization of the Hierarchy, p. 511

“One of the things that will eventuate – when the new universal religion has sway and the nature of esotericism is understood – will be the utilization of the banded esoteric organisms, the Masonic organism and the Church organism as initiating centres. These three groups converge as their inner sanctuaries are approached. There is no dissociation between the One Universal Church, the sacred inner Lodge of all true Masons, and the innermost circles of the esoteric societies.” The Externalization of the Hierarchy, p. 513

Pro War

The following quotes were in references to WWII and what was going on in Nazi Germany:

“Today we are watching the death of a civilisation or cycle of incarnation of humanity. In all fields of human expression, crystallisation and deterioration had set in. … there is everywhere a cry for change and for those new forms in the religious, political, educational and economic life of the race which will allow of freer and better spiritual expression.

Such a change is rapidly coming and is regarded by some as death – terrible and to be avoided if possible. It is indeed death but it is beneficent and needed.” The Externalization of the Hierarchy, p. 105

Image“Pain has always been the purifying agent, employed by the Lords of Destiny, to bring about liberation. The accumulated pain of the present war and the inherited pain of the earlier stage (begun in 1914) is bringing about a salutary and changing world consciousness.

The Lord of Pain has descended from His throne and is treading the ways of earth today, bringing distress, agony and terror to those who cannot interpret His ends.” The Externalization of the Hierarchy, p. 114-115

After WWII was over, she said “all its unspeakable horrors, its cruelties, and its cataclysmic disasters – was but the broom of the Father of all, sweeping away obstructions in the path of His returning Son.” The Externalization of the Hierarchy, p. 619

“The atomic bomb emerged from a first ray Ashram, working in conjunction with a fifth ray group; from the long range point of view, its intent was and is purely beneficent.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, p. 548

“The next stage of human evolution will emerge as a result of the purificatory action of the World War” Education in the New Age, p. 149

So according to the Ascended Masters, eugenics, racist, war, anti-semitism, and Freemasonry are not only acceptable, they are actually encouraged and endorsed. And we are only scratching the surface with quotes like this. More of them can be found here. But now that we know they are fallen angels serving The Lord of the World (Satan) in the astral planes, it should really come as no surprise.

Tying it all together

ImageThese “Ascended Masters” have a history that mirrors the fallen angels exactly, they serve Lucifer/Satan which Theosophists themselves tell us, and were first popularized by the Theosophical society (founded by a Satanist Freemason) under Lucifer publishing company.

They gave Crowley his Satanism, they make a mockery of Jesus and give us false promises of ascension while promoting war, eugenics, and racism.

If you feel a conviction in your spirit or a red light going off in your inner radar, it would be extremely wise to throw away your ascended master oracle cards, stop praying to these evil beings disguised as solar angels, and disregard any teachings containing references to the Ascended Masters as being authorities of light.

Their teachings are evil and they are not of God. They are fallen angels who serve The Lord of the World who we now know is Satan, according to theosophists themselves.

As Jesus said in Matthew 24:24 “For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you ahead of time”. “Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness.” 2 Corinthians 11: 14-15.

It’s very easy to get misled sometimes, and the Ascended Masters had me fooled for a while too. I once slept with some oracle cards of theirs in a room I was sleeping in, and looking back on it, it only made me feel weird and creeped out even when I had no idea who they were.

We’ve been duped. These are just demons in the etheric planes disguising themselves as bringers of wisdom. And they all fallen angels, their mission is to lead people away from Jesus Christ before their time is up.


The Orwellian Vaccine Passport Agenda Relies On The Lie Of The “Social Contract”

by TYLER DURDEN September 2, 2021

Pointing Finger

Is it legally and morally acceptable to constrict the rights and economic access of people in order to force them to submit to an experimental “vaccine”, or any other medical procedure for that matter?

Furthermore, who gets to decide what medical procedures are acceptable to enforce? Who gets to be the all powerful and benevolent overseer of every human being’s health path. I ask this because I don’t think many people realize the future repercussions of allowing governments or corporations (the same thing these days) to dictate covid vaccinations. It doesn’t stop there; in fact, we have no idea where this stops once the Pandora’s box is opened.

For example, the primary argument of the covid cult and the establishment in favor of vaccine passports is the “social contract” fantasy. They claim that because we “live in a society”, everything we do affects everyone else in some way, and because we are all interconnected in our “collective” we are thus beholden to the collective. In other words, the collective has the “right” to micro-manage the life of the individual because if the individual is allowed to make his/her own decisions they might potentially cause harm to the whole group.

In case you are not familiar with this (luciferian) philosophy it is an extension of socialism and cultural Marxism, and it stands at the very core of vaccine passport propaganda. I have actually had public debates with pro-socialist people in the past who have tried to defend the merits of socialism and every single time the argument comes down to one singular disconnect – I say that if a group of people want to go off and start their own little socialist community they have every right to…as long as it is VOLUNTARY. Then if it fails and collapses it doesn’t matter because it doesn’t affect me or anyone else who did not want to participate.

The problem is that these Socialists/communists/Marxists/collectivists (antichrist minions) simply do not grasp the notion of voluntarism. They believe that people need to be forced into doing the (perceived) right thing or helping others, and they are the people that get to decide what the right thing is and who gets the help. They are the people that get to decide what freedoms are acceptable and what freedoms are inconvenient to their agenda. When they say “We live in a society…”, what they really mean is “You live in OUR (luciferian) society, and WE will determine what is best for you.”

When I argue that a socialist community should be voluntary, they inevitably argue that people will not commit to such a system voluntarily so they must be forced to do what is best for the “greater good”.

In terms of vaccine passports, the collectivist social contract is a key element. They claim that being unvaxxed is not a personal freedom because the unvaxxed are a risk to the lives of everyone else. The social contract is therefore violated because by making a personal life choice you are endangering the rights of others.

It’s interesting though how the covid cult is made up of people that do not apply the same logic to other health issues like abortion. I mean, there is zero substantiated evidence to support the claim that unvaccinated people are any more of a threat to the lives of others than vaccinated people are, and we will get into that in just a moment. But, when we talk about an abortion, we are talking about a personal medical decision that leads to the direct and observable death of another innocent human being with his/her own rights. Abortions end the lives of over 800,000 unborn people per year in the US, far more than covid supposedly does.

“My body my choice” apparently only applies to killing babies, but not to people who do not want to become guinea pigs for a mRNA cocktail with no long term testing to prove its safety.

Imagine though if we reversed the scenario and applied the broad social contract argument to something like children and population? A collectivist/leftist member of the global warming cult could also argue that abortion should be legally mandated, because having a child or “too many children” increases carbon emissions and this puts society “at risk” even further (again, with no proof to support the claim). By allowing the social contract narrative to go unchecked, we open the door to horrific new oppressive measures and a complete erasure of our autonomy.

I think it’s safe to say that the “social contract” ideology is highly selective and hypocritical. The covid cult does not care about saving lives, they only care about their ideological narrative and the power to make people submit to it. But let’s dig even further into the reasoning behind the social contract claim. Who is actually dying because of unvaccinated individuals, which according to state vax statistics make up around 50% of the US population?

The average Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of covid is a mere 0.26% according to dozens of studies and the government’s own numbers. Meaning, unvaxxed people are not even a remote threat to 99.7% of the population. Around 40% of all covid deaths are made up of people in nursing homes with preexisting conditions, which means that we do not know if they actually died of covid or due to the health problems they were already suffering from. The pool of people who might be affected by the unvaxxed grows smaller and smaller…

And what about the ridiculous contradiction that arises when we talk about the mandate narrative verses the passport narrative? If masks and vaccines actually work, then how is an unvaxxed or unmasked person a threat to a vaxxed person? If the vaccines and masks don’t work, then why use them at all, and why demand forced vaccinations through passport measures?

Mainstream propaganda asserts that the unvaxxed will somehow become petri dishes for new mutations that will harm vaccinated people. There is no evidence to support this claim. In fact, there is more evidence that suggests it is vaccinated people that will trigger mutations and variants. The media says that this is not cause for any concern, but if it’s not then neither should we be concerned about mutations that gestate in the unvaxxed population, if there are any.

The fact of the matter is that more and more scientific evidence is proving that the experimental vaccines are NOT effective and that the unvaxxed are actually safer from covid regardless of the variant or mutation.

The true infection numbers within the US are impossible to know because up to 59% of people that catch covid and spread it are asymptomatic according to the CDC. They never know that they have it so they are unlikely to test for it. That said, it is clear that many millions of Americans have dealt with the virus and now have a natural immunity to it (I happen to be one of them). Establishment elitists like Anthony Fauci refuse to acknowledge natural immunity as a factor, and they say that ONLY people who are vaccinated are qualified to receive a passport. Why?

Multiple studies are being released from countries with high vaccination rates like Israel that completely contradict Fauci’s narrative on natural immunity. Israel has a vax rate of around 63% according to government stats, but scientific evidence they have released shows that vaccinated people are 13-27 times more likely to contract covid and 8 times more likely to be hospitalized when compared with people who have natural immunity. It almost appears as if the mRNA vaccines make people MORE susceptible to the virus rather than less susceptible.

Recent data released from the state of Massachusetts supports this concern. In the month of July, MA reported at least 5100 covid infections, all people who were fully vaccinated. Over 80 of them died, which is a much higher death rate than among the unvaccinated. In my county of 20,000 people, which has a low vaccination rate and no mask mandates, there were only 17 total covid deaths in the first year of the pandemic.

This begs the question: Why take the mRNA cocktail at all? What is there to gain? Well, there is nothing to gain in terms of health safety. Even if you happen to be part of the 0.26% of people at risk from covid, you are better off in the long run taking your chances with natural immunity than getting the jab.

The answer to the question is not about health, but about denial of access. Government’s and their corporate partners are trying to make it so you MUST take the vaccine in order to participate in normal social activities, or even to keep a job. Not only that, but the process goes on forever because every year there will be new variants and new booster shots. The only reason to take the vaccine is to keep at least a handful of your freedoms and to avoid poverty and starvation.

Here is where we must go back to the original query presented at the beginning of this article:

Is it legally and morally acceptable to constrict the rights and economic access of people in order to force them to submit to an experimental “vaccine”?

The covid cult will say that private business rights trump individual rights so companies should be allowed to discriminate against employees based on their vaccination status. But then again, what we are facing in most cases are NOT private businesses but conglomerates that are funded by government bailouts and that are colluding directing with governments to enforce the passport agenda. So I would have to say no, these businesses do not have a legal right to feed on public tax dollars and then claim they are private entities that have the freedom to invade the medical privacy of employees and customers.

And since when do collectivists actually care about private business rights, anyway? More hypocrisy…

If we are talking about small and medium business with no government stimulus then the issue gets more tricky. In many states and other countries the businesses are only enforcing passports because if they don’t they will be punished by the government. In this case the private business rights argument goes out the window. The covid cult respects business independence only when it suits them.

Frankly, it is small businesses that are being hurt the most by the covid mandates and the extra costs involved just in enforcing the passports in their own establishments is going to bury them. Any small business owner that voluntarily supports the passport rules must have a financial death wish.

In terms of government, the covid cult will claim that there are Supreme Court precedents for legal enforcement of vaccinations. Honestly, I don’t care, and neither do millions of other Americans. A bunch of high priests in black robes do not get to dictate my independent health decisions; I make those decisions and there’s nothing that they can do about it. This is where we have to come to terms with the morals and principles involved – The lives of others are in no way affected by my decision to refuse to comply with vaccine passports. And just because a group of people have irrational fears about the threat of covid does not mean people with more discernment about the facts should be required to make them “feel better” or feel safer.

The bottom line is this: Our freedoms are more important than your paranoid fears, and we will not comply. We do not subscribe to your false social contract, and you are in no position to dictate the terms of our “society”. Don’t like it? You are more than welcome to leave the country and start a vaccinated Utopia somewhere else. We’ll see how that works out for you in the long run.
